Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The 2 (Wrong) Questions Men Love to Ask About Women

Sometimes people ask questions that there are no right ways to answer. Sometimes they are deliberate trick questions, like, "Why is Obama afraid to show the public his birth certificate?" (the one that is available all over the Internet) or "Do you think she looks better than me?"

But a lot of times people honestly ask the wrong question without knowing it. Here are some I see guys continually asking about women, along with the question they should be asking if they actually want an answer.

#1."Why Do Girls Like Jerks?"

The right question: "What does [girl I am interested in] like in a guy?" Are you attracted to girls based solely on how "nice" or "jerky" they seem? Why would they be then? You don't even have to stop being a misogynist to recognize girls evaluate men in more than one dimension. Even a shallow girl looks for more than one thing. What about looks? Money? Fame? Penis size? Any of those could be higher on the checklist than "nice/jerk." And every girl is different. For example, I like a guy who is smart, sarcastic and good at video games. (Hey, I can open my own jars but I can't get past the Meat Circus level of Psychonauts on my own.) One of my friends used to have a thing for blue eyes, and another needed to find a guy that shared her musical talent. And on the other end of the spectrum, I've had friends that just need to check for a penis and they're good.
Being nice is important to us, but it's not a free ticket to the bedroom if you've got none of the other things. Just to be clear, there are actually girls for whom jerkiness is the first thing they're drawn to (or rather, they're drawn to other factors that tend to come packaged with jerkitude). But for a lot of them, this is because they've grown up being mistreated or abused, so trying to take advantage of that makes you a dick.

#2. "Why Do Guys Have to do All the Work to Get a Relationship While Women Just Sit There and Can Pick Any Guy They Want?"

The right question: "Why do I only look at the women that can pick any guy they want?" The problem here is usually a sampling error, and the solution is to take a statistics class. The pool of women you look at to make this observation is going to be skewed toward women you like to look at. Their awkward ugly friend in the corner there can't pick any guy she wants, and you probably haven't even noticed her to the point where you include her in your survey.

No, not that. An ACTUAL ugly girl.

There are a lot of fairly sad, desperate girls out there, a situation I am no stranger to. Lonely, no-luck girls spend plenty of time obsessing over what it will take to get a guy, and often throw aside their dignity in a shameless and often fruitless attempt to pursue one. Then they will have a sob session with their girlfriends about "why doesn't he like me?" It's actually kind of funny when you look back on it.

Anyway, the point is, when you try to remember "every girl" you've met to prove this is true with "every girl," you will remember the most memorable girls and not remember us sad sacks, who are simultaneously asking the same exact same question about guys, probably in the girls' bathroom while crying.

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